If (a doubt) should arise, with whom the preeminence (is, whether)
with him whom an Aryan by chance begot on a non-Aryan female, or
(with the son) of a Brahmana woman by a non-Aryan,
The decision is as follows: 'He who was begotten by an Aryan on a
non-Aryan female, may become (like to) an Aryan by his virtues; he
whom an Aryan (mother) bore to a non-Aryan father (is and remains)
unlike to an Aryan.'
The law prescribes that neither of the two shall receive the
sacraments, the first (being excluded) on account of the lowness of
his origin, the second (because the union of his parents was)
against the order of the castes.
As good seed, springing up in good soil, turns out perfectly well,
even so the son of an Aryan by an Aryan woman is worthy of all the
Some sages declare the seed to be more important, and others the
field; again others (assert that) the seed and the field (are
equally important); but the legal decision on this point is as