He who has slain a Sudra, shall perform that whole penance during
six months, or he may also give ten white cows and one bull to a
Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an
iguana, an owl, or a crow, he shall perform the penance for the
murder of a Sudra;
Or he may drink milk during three days, or walk one hundred yoganas,
or bathe in a river, or mutter the hymn addressed to the Waters.
For killing a snake, a Brahmana shall give a spade of black iron,
for a eunuch a load of straw and a masha of lead;
For a boar a pot of clarfied butter, for a partridge a drona of
sesamum-grains, for a parrot a calf two years old, for a crane (a
calf) three years old.
If he has killed a Hamsa, a Balaka, a heron, a peacock, a monkey, a
falcon, or a Bhasa, he shall give a cow to a Brahmana.
For killing a horse, he shall give a garment, for (killing) an
elephant, five black bulls, for (killing) a goat, or a sheep, a
draught-ox, for killing a donkey, (a calf) one year old;
But for killing carnivorous wild beasts, he shall give a milk cow,
for (killing) wild beasts that are not carnivorous, a heifer, for
killing a camel, one krishnala.
For killing adulterous women of the four castes, he must give, in
order to purify himself, respectively a leathern bag, a bow, a goat,
or a sheep.
A twice-born man, who is unable to atone by gifts for the slaughter
of a serpent and the other (creatures mentioned), shall per-form for
each of them, a Krikkhra (penance) in order to remove his guilt.