wealth of inscriptions and epigraphically details that can be glanced from the walls of
Draksharama are a haven of paradise for the epigraphs and the historian. There are
inscriptions of the western Chalukyan, Eastern Chalukyan, later Cholas, and later Gangas
in this temple. Many an unsolved problem of Andhra history is solved by a close study of
these inscriptions. Draksharama is one of the
famous temples of Andhra and the place is sacred not only to the Hindus, but also to the
Muslims. There is a tomb in Draksharama of a Muslim saint by name Saiyid Shah Bhaji Aulia
with a mosque attached to it. This Muslim saint is said to be a contemporary of Mira Saheb
of Nagore who is said to have lived 500 years ago. He was born, according to tradition, at
Gardez near Madina in Arabia and came to Draksharama with his disciples during the course
of his tours. Being hungry, they slaughtered the temple bull of a Saivite mutt at
Draksharama and ate it. In the dispute that ensued, the relative greatness of the saint
and the local Saivite bead of the mutt was called into question, and to settle the matter,
a Sivalingam was thrown into the pond, by name Lingala cheruvu, and both the Muslim saint
and the Saivite Mathadhipathi were asked to bring back the Linga by the Power of their
worship. The Muslim saint, it appears, prayed to the infinite Lord who is the same for
all, irrespective of all differences, and the Lord being pleased with the depth of his
devotion acceded to his request. The Muslim saint who won in the contest was then given
the Mutt to live in, and he converted it into a sacred mosque. The descendents of this
saint are said to be still living in Draksharama. |