Dr. Rajendralal
Mitra held the view that there must have been a temple it the same place at a very early
date. It appears that the original temple was very old and Puran Mal really built the
lobby and claimed the credit for the whole. There is an inscription, which mentions
that Puran Mal built the temple at the request of Raghunath and tradition has it that the
inscription was forcibly put up by Puran Mal after he had the temple repaired. This claim
is not conceded by the high-priest and does not find any local support.
There is mother inscription over the entrance of the temple of Baidyanath, which
mentions that Aditya Sena with his queen, who had come from the Chola country near Madura
in southern India, had built a temple of Vishnu and one Bala- bhadra had built an image of
the boar incarnation of Vishnu.
There is an inscription on Mandar Hill, which mentions that Konadevi, was the actual
name of Aditya Senas queen and she had a tank excavated there, which is still in