Temples & Legends Of Bihar |
Temples & Legends
Of India |
temples are rare in India but are to be seen in Tibet and in Nepal. The deity of
Vajrayogini is the same as the deity of Ugratara. The temple of Vajrayogini at Sanku in
Nepal really contains an image of Ugratara, more popularly known as Maha-China-Tara which
is believed to have carried over there by Bengali priests from a village Sanku district of
Dacca near about A.D. 1350, when the Mohammedans ravaged portions of Eastern Bengal. This
Ugratara or Maha-Cina-Tara of the Buddhists has been accepted in the Hindu pantheon under
the name of Tara in various forms and is now regarded as one of the 10 Mahavidya
Goddesses. Dr. Benoytosh Bhattacharya mentions, "The worshipper should conceive
himself as Maha-cine-Tara who stands in the pratyalidha attitude, and awe-inspiring with a
garland of heads hanging from the neck. She is short and has a protruding belly, and her
looks are terrible. |
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