Jalamandir Pawapuri
in Patna district is the place where Mahavir Swami the 24th and last Tirthankara had his
samadhi. It has an exquisite temple built inside a tank, which has a captivating mass of
lotus flowers. The late Shri. Abhoy Kumar Jain of Arrah conceived the idea of reproducing
the Pawapuri temple in Arrah and he translated his dream into a vivid reality. This
Jalamandir is a miniature Pawapuri temple. There is 40 long bridge with a width of
4 for reaching the temple within the tank. The temple has a fine image of Mahavir
Swami and the surroundings ar furnished by a well-kept garden. Both the sculptor and the
architect have displayed their remarkable talents in the erection of this Jalamandir.
Nandeshwar Dwip Mandir
There are 52 small Chaityalayas in this temple. The workmanship here also is superb.
Sahasra Kuta Chaitalya
This temple is under the Adinath temple in Dhanpura, a suburb of Arrah town. 1000 Jain
Arhat images are installed in this temple. One can study Jain Iconography in all its
phases at this one place. Theimages are well-carved and fine specimens. Pilgrims from all
over India come to visit the Chaityalaya and pay their homage.
Shri Adinath Mandir
The last Shri Makhanlal Jain had this temple built Dhanpura with the images of Lord
Adinath, Parasnath and others installed there. |