The international borders, the great snowy mountains including the legendary
Kailash, deep forests, rivers remaining snowbound for a considerable part of the year, the
passes, crags, meandering bridle paths which often lose their identity, the intensely cold
climate, the variegated culture complex of the people with strong influence of Buddhism,
(that phase of Buddhism which has come to be known more as Lamaism) and Hinduism diluted
with a strong element of Animism, super- stitions, belief in ghosts, the avifauna, the
fauna, the different species of trees, fruits and flowers make the district extremely
This area where the villages are scattered with
an extremely small population, at times dwindling to about 200 persons was a challenge for
efficient administration and that is why a separate district was carved out in 1960. The
people of the district have different strains of culture and Polyandry is still prevalent
with strange marriage customs and civil rights of the women. The Succession Act, 1956 is
not applicable to Kinnaur and the daughters do not inherit any property legally. |