Temples & Legends Of
Maharastra |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
There are
several shrines at Pandharpur in addition to that of Pundalik, Vitthal and Rakhumai. 0f
these the most Well-known and important is the Vishnupad. In the river bed three-quarters
of a mile to the south of Pundalik's temple, reached by a low causeway of rough stones is
the temple of Vishnupad. The temple is built on a rock in the river bed. Its plinth is
nearly seven feet high land flights of steps lead upto the floor-level from all the four
sides. The temple is an open hall or mandapthirty-one feet square and twelve feet in
height'. It is constructed of stone masonry and its flat roof is supported by sixteen
pillars of stone. During the rainy season when the river is ' inspite, the Vishnupad
temple is under water, and this period often extends to well over three months. Even
otherwise the water level is not too much below the floor of the temple and as an
indicator to the state of the temple it is stated that whenever water touches the base of
the Pundalik temple, half of Vishnupad is submerged. In the middle of the square is a
small square measuring five feet by five enclosed within a railing. In this central
square, which is the shrine of the temple, are three rocks, with the foot-prints of
the god Krishna and of a cow. The god's foot-prints are in two positions. In one pair he
is standing on both the feet, with the marks hollow as if the rock has Yielded like half
dry mud. In the other pair of foot-prints the god stands on the left-foot, with the right
foot crossed and resting on the toes. In front of these marks is a cup shaped hollow which
is said to be the cup from which the god ate. At each corner of the square is a cow's
foot-print. A small hollow in front of the second pair of prints was caused by the god's
staff. On a pillar of the shrine is an image of Krishna standing with right leg crossed
and playing on a flute. On another pillar is the image of Vishnu with four arms, holding a
shankh, chakra, gada and padma.These foot-prints are worshipped every forenoon by the
agents of the Badavas. |
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