this Ganda, who is like Brihaspati, rebuilt the temple by the support (management) of
Soma, (it is clear) there has not been ever such a man, nor will there be in future. 18.This building, which was destroyed by the bad ministers of kings,
who were ganda (mad) with evil genius, and were blind with avarice, is now repaired by
Guru Ganda, in mere sport; as if to vie with the great Boar (i.e., Vishnu in the
incarnation of Varaha) who up lifted the earth on its tusks.
19.By him the powerful, what opponents were left
unconquered in presence of the king? Whose faces were left unsullied? Whose pride was not
humbled? Whose position was not forcibly shaken by planting his foot on their heads and
what opponents were not turned beggars? |