successors were: Chamunda (A.D. 996 1000), his sons Vallabharaja (six months) and
Durlabharaja (A.D. 1009-1022). The kingdom of Anahilavada Patan then did not extend beyond
the Sarasvata and Satyapura Mandalas, a small area round, Anahilavada. Siyaka II of the Paramara line who bad vanquished Yoga, and his son
Munja (A.D. 940 to A.D. 997), were great conquerors and ruled the mainland of Gujarat.
Munja was succeeded by his brother Sindhuraja5 who appears to have been the overlord of
Anahilavada rulers, though the latter carried on a precarious independence in their little
principality. In A.D. 999 or at any rate about A.D. 1010, Bhoja, the son of Sindhuraja,
one of the most magnificent rulers in history, came to the throne.6
5 NC. XI 98.
edited by Buhler, Intro. 9. |