Temples & Legends Of Tamilnadu
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Temples & Legends Of India


It may be a depiction of the present-day gypsy tribe entertain ing villagers with skilful gymnastic shows and dancing poses, Such gypsies are still to be seen visiting the interior villages of the country.  Many styles of physical feats shown by both men and women have been carved on stone.

All the dancing poses of Bharatanatyam are carved on stone. There is a carving showing the village womenfolk helping in delivery of another female, who has put both her hands on the shoulders of the two ladies, who are pressing their hands on the abdomen of the lady to help her deliver. These are very skilful and artistic works of superb style. This may give a glimpse into the social conditions of the past. The stone image of Ravana carrying Kailas is a fine specimen of workmanship.

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