Temples & Legends Of
Tamilnadu |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
That very instant,
by the grace of God, her flesh dried up, and she became a demoness, one of Siva's hosts.
Then the Gods rained flowers on her. Heavenly
minstrels sang her praises and her relatives, in fear and awe, paid her adoration and
departed. So, she had now become a demoness and her abode was the wild jungle of Alangadu
(forest of Banian trees). Through inspiration from God, she sang several sacred hymns,
which are preserved to the present day. Alangadu is 40 miles frorn Tanjore.
Afterwards, she got an irresistible desire to see the sacred hill of Kailas. With
inconceivable speed she fled northwards till she arrived at the foot of the mountain and,
realizing that it was not right to climb the heavenly mountain with her feet, she threw
herself down and measured the distance with her head. Uma, the consort of Siva, beheld her
thus ascending and asked her husband: "Who is this that in this strange fashion draws
near, a gaunt fleshless skeleton, sustained only by the energy of love?" |
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