shrine is referred to as the third of the six and many other favourite hill resorts of
Muruga, in the Tirumurugarruppadai. Nakkeerar, the poet, praises the spot in many lines
and gives a description of
the aerial procession i gods and goddesses of surpassing beauty. The hero of course is
Muruga the warlord of the gods, in whose train the other celestials follow.
Krittika Nakshatram, is the most propitious time
for worshipping Karttikeya or Lord Subrahmanya.Astral influences are highest
during Krittika and other festival occasions when lakhs of people visit the place. (The,
sanctity of the temple and efficacy of prayer at this hill temple ha far and wide.
It is said that as many as 700 abhishekam are done in Krittika days and hundreds daily.
But the slim figure of Muruga has
withstood their effects for centuries, most miraculously, beyond human explanation. |