Asoka Priyadarsin
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Innocent and infirm, weak and sick, beggars and vagabonds, ascetics and devotees related to neither and nothing to do with either party were all butchered mercilessly and endlessly. Arson and loot, then reigned supreme. The horrors of the war spread far and wide. Smiling nature smoldered; bracing air polluted; eyeful greenery withered; colourful flora and fauna dithered; blooming life doomed. Everywhere in Kalinga and around.

The report of the progress of war reached the ears of Asoka. Flushed with victory, he came out to see for himself, the bloody battle in progress. He stood on a mound. And looked.

Oh! Dreadful! Gruesome!! Disastrous!!! Horror of horrors - the vast battle-field strewn with bodies dead; heads, mutilated; limbs, mangled; hands, maimed; trunks, severed; faces, disfigured; soldiers, unidentified, and vehicles, powdered greeted his sight. The ground was soaked in hot, young blood and flowed down in streams between the piles of the dead. It looked as though the hell had emptied all its contents to set up an earthy capital here. What a tragedy? How disastrous! How obnoxious!! How grievous!!! It was a sight ghastly, and spectacle unbearable.

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