Among the many aspects that
command admiration, and the roles he played admirably well, the following can be singled out
for special treatment and careful reading. The list starts with Asoka
as a youth, and on getting linked up with other aspects like Asoka as a
Monarch, Asoka as a Warrior, Asoka as a Preacher, Asoka as an Administrator, Asoka as a Builder,
Asoka as a Father, Asoka as a Brother, Asoka as a Teetotaller, Asoka as a Pilgrim, it goes up to
Asoka as a Patron. Thus it comprises his whole life from birth to death.
It is, therefore, necessary to read
the various aspects one after another, for profit or pleasure. As they ennoble our character
and elevate our thought we must read them with great care and proper
understanding; for, such a study would not only rejuvenate us, but reward our labours astonishingly
So, let us start with his birth and