burning of the valivilakku has a fantastic background and none but the Highest
only plays such sports to reform the moorlost religionists and to teach the
simpletons, who get deflated with a mere pinprick by the highest Daivam at the
right occasion. The temple has a fantastic legend and the origin of the
valivalakku is a standing example of the Parabrahman's mysterious sports and a
visible phenomenon of His eternal presence. The temple's emergence highlights
that the danavas far surpass manavas in acts of reverence and dedication.
us visit that sacred ancient shrine and avail the darsan of the sacred Sivalinga
brought by Khara, one of the associates of Ravanabrahma, the ten - headed
Lankadhipathi of Tretayuga, which incidentally bless us with the darsan of
valivilakka and offering worship to that divine lamp donated and lighted up by
none other than that Kailasadhipathi, the by - word for compassion.