Kanipakam Sarvasidhi Vinyaka temple, though the procedure is a little bit
different from the above, it blots out the asatya and restores Dharma to take
its rightful seat and shines in all its splendour, resulting in the Satya
sandhas raising their heads erect and also retrieve the loss. Its method is
seemingly simple in not causing any physical injury to the defaulter, but it
certainty leaves him desperate and downtrodden mentally, financially and
spiritually above all.
he has to do is to swear before that august deity to own his version. If he
dares, well that Sarva Siddhivinayaka sees him drowned in the bog No regrets,
nor retrieval. Doom tolls his death knell once for all.
This temple is 12 Kms off Chittoor, the district head quarters town
accessible by bus.