there is one plus point it has to its credit to be applauded. It humbles the
voluble atheism and pierces its balloons of egoism with a single prick. For it
proves that there are evil forces- the sordid brood of Satan just as there are
angelic powers the messengers of the Almighty God doing good. In as much as
there is divinity pervading there is diabolism bent upon subverting the
virtue, it boats unashamedly. Existence of witch-craft necromancy, sorcery and
other demonic practices testify to their unlimited prowess. In fine, none
can disprove the prevalence of Satanic power parading it self in many forms,
such as ghosts, elfins, fiends, devils, spirits, ghouls etc. All without exception
wrought havoc, why, are still ceaselessly continuing their nefarious activities
and subjecting man to indefinable misery. But they can be out wilted by
ingenuity-a gift of God. Does this isn't stand as a monumental example of
God's omnipotence eternal. Bhagawan is Gnanaswarup too.