of gratitude assumes many forms and compels to part with precious possessions
unmindful of their worth. People when satisfied with achievements for which they
aspire for and strive assiduously start redeeming their debt sumptuously without
second thoughts. The objects or individuals that contributed for their success
receive returns munificently rather beyond their expectation, and out of
proportion too. The victors thereby gain world wide reputation and pass for
refined and cultured cream of the society meriting to be adored, as they set
standards thus. They are remembered-for ever. More over their bounty is not time
bound. Like Jivanadis, they go on flowing and emptying. themselves in to the
depthless, bound less sea. That is their way, and like the dazzling pole star
they guide the people.
the case of divinities, their granting of boons and under going uncommon ordeals
for the benefit of the Bhaktas are beyond the range of words. Mahavishnus
volunteering his services of a sentinel at the Patala Mahadwar of
Balichakravarthy, Maheswara's role of keeping guard of Banasuras at the request
of Banasuara are standing examples. Of the gods, Lord Paramasiva has a hopeless
passion for granting boons indiscriminately even without asking by devotees. His
compassionate look reels round the devotee that makes him hold the all proof -
umbrella even without contemplation of such luxury. He melts at the misery
of his votaries and rains boons without Their asking. And Lo! it has no time
restrictions. Bhagavan Krishna too did not lag behind in this respect.