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However one thing is crystal clear and glares into the eyes of those who have mind to discern, that bhakti is not the monopoly of one caste, nor dogmatism of sectarianism be stretched to eternity. As Thomas Gray rightly observes, "Full many a gem of purest ray serene the dark unfathomed oceans bear" Many, many many gems whose worth and brilliance excel the Kohinoor are lying screened from public gaze, rather assessor's discerning eye. Hence the woe! Hasn't the classic example of a born, deaf, dumb belonging to female species out shadowed the born, trained and much acclaimed experts? If only the divine spark is ignited, conflagration that emerges exceeds the sun's scratching light in effulgence. Realisation comes but late.

Location : The temple lies in Udipi, accessible by four wheelers from Mangalore, Karnataka.


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