The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India


In the second prakara, there a separate cell for the famous Alwars and Acharyas3responsible for dissemination of Vaishnava cult through out the length and breadth of the country. Here the craftsmanship of sculptors and artisans, who made the lithic and metalic images of gods arrests attention and demands reverence. The figure of Chakratalvar, another name for Mahavishnu feasts the eyes and lifts the soul. It is certainly a superb sculptural piece. Another object of attraction is the Chaturvimsati pillars placed in front of the entrance, which captivate the viewers and they illustrate the 24 forms of Mahavishnu with labels inscribed below. This uniqueness of this image speaks the patron's spiritual culture and sculptor's artistry. The temple contains a many valuable inscriptions and several precious objects donated by kings. Tippu Sultan's endowments of articles are used and preserved with care due. The time spent in looking at them and admiring the sculptural embellishments is quite paying and elevating too.


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