Devalayas Of Karnataka |
Of India |
before entering the war theatre, meditated for some time on
Malayaparvatha. At this juncture Narada entered the scene. He went to Mahishasura and advised him to
marry that captivating beauty,
doing meditation of the Malayaparvatha. The lustful demon sent his assistants to bring her to his court.
Then his primier Prahasu tried to stop that disastrous step, saying that she was the spouse of Lord
Maheswar, any attempt would rebound on them, and end in annihilation. Bursting him aside, he
sent sufficient army. But were repelled by the Devi. Deciding to wrest that tantalising heavenly
fruit, he himself went, but was mesmerised by her charms. He then
begged her to accept him as her Lord. Brushing into laughter, she
dashed against him well armed.The battle went on. Will the asurasakti stand against Devi,
invested with the special amsas of the Trio Mahishasura bit the dust -the bitter bitten found himself
sunk in his own blood soon. Awaiting. this auspicious moment, the afflicted - gods, sages, innocent
along with Bhumata approaching praised her in tones rapturous, voice hilarious, with feet dancing
and hands clapping. The sages then implored her to stay on there to
receive their adoration eternally. Overpowered by the sight of their
ecstatic joy, she sealed it with approval. She then made this sacred
hill as her permanent abode and lived thenceforward raining compassion in unending torrents
and protecting their life, casting
it in a special mould of sublimity, exuding exemplary geniality and inimitable humility.
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