The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Another story connects this holy spot with some other sage by name Sayana, who held a conspicuous place among the sages. He was a Rajarshi. It happened that once there visitied a severe famine in the Dravidadesa, now called Tamil Nadu. For years it continued making the living impossible - no water anywhere. All the sources went dry, fields parched; animals died, people perished and the country reverberated with wails, as a matter of fact. The heartrending wails of the people moved the Sayana maharshi. At once the humanist sage commenced severe penance, propitiating Lord Kasi Viswanath. Gratified with his ardour for Viswasreyas, the Lord came down and on hearing his earnest petition, granted his request anon. He ordained that Ganga should flow down perennially and she would be called Cauvery in the down south thenceforth. Gladdened at the eyeful sight of the gorgeous Nature in its virgin beauty, blooming up due to good rains, Lord Kasi Viswananth decided to stay here permanently with his ganas. 

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About  Talakaveri & Its Glory
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Uniqueness Pg1
Uniqueness Pg2
The Birth Of Cauvery Pg1
The Birth Of Cauvery Pg2
You are Here! The Sayana...Pg1 
The Sayana...Pg2 
The Source Pg1
The Source Pg2
The Salam Kallu 