is a gold coin dropped into head by kind God. Its obverse is bright and sweet
to look at. The bright part illumines the world by its sharp elevating thought;
and the sweet part shows readiness to cooperate, coordinate and coalesce even.
So a desirable asset and a reliable mate. Enabling man for escalation, it fills
the world with concord and ethereal bliss. Its reverse, oh horrible! It is
dark, damnably mischievous and maliciously pernicious. It has a strong streak
,of vanity and revels at its own monkeying. Being perverted it encourages
coveting, intruding, seizing etc. So succeeds in flooding the world with
discord, hatred and a host of its sinister allies. Alas! its unlawful
usurpation is changing the world into a veritable torture cell subjecting the
good to a series of unending torments. How to live amidst such vicious ones and
what are the precautions to be taken for peaceful cohabitation. Read the below
piece now...
our good Janaki gets a good RAM
Nought ever goes ill
The jammed joy then cries for a balm
Alas! such chances are NIL.
Should you question the WISE, "why so?"
"It is the divine Will. "they say so
"Good and bad must exist, more so
Tell us where should bad go."
Understand the mystery of the heaven's plan
Allow not despair enter your life's span
When cornered by dreadful forces of evil
Call for ADJUSTMENT that purges all Evil.
It's a potent dynamo working with a machine miracle
Ushers it concord, peace, grace and progress wherever
You find discord, chaos, turmoil, regress and debacle
If relied upon, confers it harmony and bliss for ever.