"Truth's the royal road to success", said the spiritualist
" Yea yea 'it's all but thorny," quipped the pessimist
"Make it fluffy for your use." exhorted the Idealist
"Sure, it yields, if persisted." declared the Optimist
"Absurd, it gulps down like bog. " declared the Realist
"Trust in Him. you'll succeed " exclaimed the deist
"Damn it you're ail bogus." retorted the Nihilist
'You're right cent precent." Seconded the Fatalist.
The... ists and their...isms galore thus assailed,
Confounded me yesternight, when I read by light
The Dharmaja's, 3Kunjara episode and it prevailed
Nay, burrowed into the mystery of truth with all might
As every... ist diametrically opposed the others
With hairsplitting arguments; they roused my fears
While groping in darkness gaoaning under pain.
flung off my glasses anon to remove the pain.
3. Dharmaja uttered a lie under extra ordinary circumstances. for the welfare
of humanity during the Kurukshetra war ....