enchanting panorama and its cadence lured Him in to another word
The world of energy-the prime cause of cosmos and life in every world
While wondering at the myraid manifestations of the Mother Energy
He heard discordance upsetting His delight at the play of mighty energy
Opening the eyes, He found in the pond opposite-His mount swan
Circling gleefully exalted by the invigorating puff of the dawn
Pecking its snowy white feathers with crimson beak, and letting out
Quaking melodies in gay abandon, as if it is time for routine bout.
Agitated, 4Vidhata went red in face, and out went the world red
The swan stopped not its quacks, nor realised the cause of the rage
"You silly swan; down to earth and live divested of the grace of
And be called goose--the symbol of idiocy" He shouted in full rage.
The swan at once chuckled to itself that aggravated Brahma's anger
He asked the cause of its perversity with anger crossing level danger
The swan said "My Lord your anger pushed me down to earth to day
But can it deprive my birth right of separating water from milk any day?
Coming it as from the accursed in agony, moreover just and fair as well 5Chathurmukha
taking the retort in the right light flashed four smiles
Said under breath, "Proximity affects, it's my mount, 6Sarada's
as well
Birth rights are inalienable, none can deprive them by curses or guiles."
another name for Brahma.
5. another name for Brahma indicating the four faces has...
6. wife of Brahma, the Goddess of Learning.