The ministers of commerce dealing in goods of variety
Knit mankind together by supplying the desired commodity
Distribution of wealth, they betook as their responsibility
Aimed at country's prosperity and international amity.
Last of all comes the toiling and moiling community
With hearts of nobility; minds, purity stood for veracity
Service as chosen goal, formed the country's majority
And held the pride of place in the nation's prosperity.
Woman folk, the replica of Sita lived for chastity
Veracity as the supreme ideal, men stove for integrity
Youth ever longed for the knowledge of spirituality
The old radiated sanity with a life of tranquility.
Animosity was alien to the people in generality
Nor did cruelty ever parade before the commonalty
Duplicity raised not its head, nor its foe stupidity
Rationality marked the thought and action in actuality.
The lords patronised the bards of immortality
And kept moving our culture in unbroken continuity
Their song and drama hence passed into eternity
Sanskrit-their medium enabled it with its flexibility.
Suicide, nay any side for that matter ever preyed upon society
Neither police, nor courts existed even for the sake of variety
Glory that was Guptas, and splendour that the age's speciality
Won laurels by highlighting the sublimity of its historicity.