If one' s land is bad or backward, he must strive hard to make it heaven
Using mind and hand aided and abetted by goodwill of the lending hand
By sweat of brow, or power of soul, he must raise it to surpass heaven
What for the intellect gifted, if desert kept as desert-a barren land
Can't he mend the unmendable, and harness the Nature most turbulent
Can't he like his ancestors change things serve his purpose partinent?
Hasn't 3Bhagiratha made the Ganges flow in his footsteps descending
down Hasn' t 4Agastya diverted the sea in to his 5Kamandal
there to settle down?
Prosperity of this 6asurabhoomi ignites our desires to create a
Nay a better best, where Justice, Law and order find homes better
To the extent people exclaim: "our land is holier and superior to heaven
Heaven after all a place for those who laze under over dose as men in tavern
Besides, it's not man's permanent abode there he stays, but for a while
He's made of dust and goes to it to reappear with a life long or short
He's for earth, taking birth after death. alack! the cycle sees no end
Motherland- good or bad's his Elysium where his journey finds dead end
a sage whose penance brought the Ganges to the Earth . .
4. another sage who diverted the sea in to his vessel by power of penance . .
5. a sacred vessel of sages for holding water ...
6. land of daemons . .