Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The appeal queer invoked wonder, and hearing the tale some sympathized 
A few thought her mad, and many shut their doors heckling in her face 
Death left no portal unvisited, nor any family found unsympathised 
Ceaseless search and endless groans turned her a 7sokamurthi sans grace.

Tired and broken-hearted she returned wise and said to Buddha Bhagawan
"Forgive my Lord, there's no home unthread by Death nor a family freed"
Buddha then recited 8 '
JATASYAHI DHRUVO .... 9sloka of Krishna Bhagawan
That illumined her face signifying her compromise with the fate decreed.'

7. picture of sorrow ...
8. death is a certainty to the living ... 
9. A couplet.

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