Bonus Pieces
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Here is a million pound wonder 
Matchless like kohinoor in splendour 
Roaring louder than hell thunder 
Set right a constitutional blunder.

Down came that dreadful Democlean sword 
Striving to keep morality above board 
And went with it all that Mirjafarism 
Why one alone, say, all sins of opportunism.

The days of Aye Rams and Gaye Rams are over
The stinck polluting land will not hover
Anymore anywhere, hereafter in our sacred land
Thanks to 'Anti-defection law' Rajiv's new brand

Kudos to Pondy that tolled the death knell 
To day-light robbers in the grab of rulers 
If scales are kept even despite pressure coolers' 
Our speakers'll close down for ever the gates of hell.


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About A Million Pound Wonder
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