Bonus Pieces
Major Sections
Temples Of India


How simple Siddhartha became Bhagawan Buddha !

Into the royal family of Sakya, the birth of Siddhartha was announced "What with life transitory in time short'll I do", the Yuvaraja pronounced The soulless materialism he hated, why headless hedonism he denounced To release man form cycles of births and deaths for bliss he renounced.

Search into the mysteries of life and suffering took him at last to Gaya where illumination made him Buddha shattering anon the clock of Maya Then he founded Sangha to preaching the secrets of Sristi, stiti and Laya With accent on development of souseelya get by sublimation of Chapalya.

This indeed is the origin of this volume; and about a dozen and a half of the pieces were published in periodicals like. Sapthagiri, Tapovan prasad, Hindu Viswa, Master Mind, Poet, International, Dilip etc. A few were translated into Hindi and Telugu. I thank them now lavishly for their patronage. Permit me to close with a humble request and ardent wish that you will see this keep going by writing your reaction for modification or addition and that alone enables me holding aloft the Bharata jyoti ever burning resplendent.

Please cooperate. Awaiting compliance, I say Bye.

As the execution of the work is aimed at perfection, thersa is no scope for the printer's devils to stare at yow. If a few minor imps peep at you, hitter go deep into the themes unmindful of the peep. you'll enjoy. Credit it goes to the printer. so join me to thank him lairshly.



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