Bonus Pieces
Major Sections
Temples Of India


What a change dear, from hat and boot to loin-cloth and bare chest?
Why've you metamorphosed from a popular barrister to humble farmer? 
Which angel suggested this lowly outfit and clean shaven head as best ?
Is it due to 3Bharat Darsan Yatra that changed you into a humble farmer ?

My Yatra, dear Andrews into the innermost parts of our India rural, 
Laid bare its tale pathetic, conditions appalling, wrought by squalor, 
Though crying round the clock for years for redress by men of valour, 
None released them, alas! from alien rule, putting to rout every moral.

Horrible it's to come across everywhere millions of exploited desperates, 
Over fleeced workers, illiterate farmers and toothless native potentates,
Living, hedged by dreadful wilderness thrust by the foreign emperors,
Upon our 4Ratna Garbha that knew no scarcity under the native emperors.

Do you like me roll in wealth displaying Western style to dead bretheren? 
Will not the culture of oppressor alienate me from my innocent fellowmen? 
Will not my aping the unjust ruler rouse their apathy instead of sympathy? 
Will a man of truth tolerate that inequality, or afford anyone's antipathy?


1) affection. 
2) equality. 
3) a pilgrimage undertaken to studying the conditions of people all over India. 
4) land embodying gems.

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