Bonus Pieces
Major Sections
Temples Of India


One thing is certain, and none can gainsay with tangible evidence on hand 
That India alone surely turns the search light inside man of every land
And focuses light on values eternal; and preaches with infallibility
The truths basic that exposes Satan and Co., to perpetual vulnerability

All else-knowledge of physical sciences; harnessing the forces of Nature Evidenced by success in space craft, splitting of atom to study its nature Together with sway over elements and inventions, the off-springs of brain May the West can teach heaven, but they are nothing before Indian brain

Their scriptures authored, when mod Worlds slumbered on lap of Nature Embody knowledge, whose bounds never be augmented by any age in future Nor or the gaps left will be filled up by any ingenuity at any point of time Emphasize the fact that light comes from East alone-a truth for all time.

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