the state of Bihar, there is a city called Ranchi
Enshrining the seat of Sarada and her Virinchi
Overflowing with liquid melodies of her vipanchi
Unlike the Saranam gatchami notes of famous Sanchi
How fortunate are her children-both males and females
In keeping the divine mayuris and Keat's Nightingales;
In perpetual humiliation and inexplicable awe - some mute
With graceful gaits and sweet tones when set to lute.
Did the din and bustle of the industries man made
Ever compete with the dulcet music of its writers made?
No, never so far, nor will ever in future my dear
Their fecundity keeps metropolitan ego in perpetual fear.
Have you ever head O Hospitality! of Ranchi's speciality?
Hark! it has a ring of novelty that exudes geniality
Should you observe all its sweet phases in moblity
You bid mankind to emulate it for gaining immortality.
Once as said, might've been backward in cultural wealth
Now it is forward both in material and spiritual wealth
We, the AGI family stand to salute that hospitality
For Overwhelming our stay with its inimitable nobility.