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Temples Of India


Erring is universal to the created here, and there above too. And applicable to all times. It registers man's imperfection, and God's omni compassionate vigilance over the acts of His children and measures taken for non - recurrence of it. Thro' several agencies the greatest He tries to reclaim the defaulter. If the erred burns his black nature in the fire of repentance and bathes in the tears of regrets, God admits him into his Kingdom for bliss eternal.

Returning tired after a long walk once even, I turned on the TV. A pathetic wail bemoaned - "What I can I do my Lord Siva, I found nothing in the world pure and holy for offering. Every thing is contaminated". The tone and tune, as it came from an adept was so thrilling that it kept me still for long. When released, I decided to put it into my dye; so added beginning and ending to that marvelous lyric. On completion I found it spilling grace at every step. Look! it is moving towards you; see and share its sublimity to the 'like minds' ............

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