Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"Keep off your 1Pasa and be gone from this place at once for your good, 
Lest you incur the wrath of 2Sri Mannarayana, the Lord of 3 Vaikunta 
This 4Ajamila uttered 5 'NARAYANA' before he breathed last for good 
It turned him anon sin-proof, making dearest to the Lard of Vaikunta."

"What ! does he deserve Vaikunta?'ll he ever merit grace for his misdeeds 
Led a life so weighed down by infinite number of abominahle misdeeds
Never was a case history in 6Chitragupta's files so black as this sinner
Neither a purple patch, nor a silver line ever dared to grace this sinner

Hark ! his living's so stigmatised, it did incalculable harm to community 
None welcomed him to 7subhakaraya, nor considered him having entity
Ands excommunicated by own men & ostracised by the whode community 
How then could he be eligible for divine grace that claim any immunity ?

Glossary : 

1)Bond of Yama, the God death. 
2) One of the Trio and the most powerful among them. 
3) Abode of Sri Maha Vishnu 
4) Name of a Yaishnava devotee . 
5) another name for Maha Vishnu. ,
6) Name of the accountant of Yama, the God of death. 
7) auspicious act.


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