off your 1Pasa and be gone from this place at once for your good,
Lest you
incur the wrath of 2Sri Mannarayana, the Lord of 3 Vaikunta
This 4Ajamila
uttered 5 'NARAYANA' before he breathed last for good
It turned him anon
sin-proof, making dearest to the Lard of Vaikunta."
! does he deserve Vaikunta?'ll he ever merit grace for his misdeeds
Led a life
so weighed down by infinite number of abominahle misdeeds
Never was a case
history in 6Chitragupta's files so black as this sinner
Neither a purple patch, nor a silver line ever dared to grace this sinner
! his living's so stigmatised, it did incalculable harm to community
welcomed him to 7subhakaraya, nor considered him having entity
excommunicated by own men & ostracised by the whode community
How then could
he be eligible for divine grace that claim any immunity ?
1)Bond of Yama, the God death.
2) One of the Trio and the most powerful among
3) Abode of Sri Maha Vishnu
4) Name of a Yaishnava devotee .
5) another
name for Maha Vishnu. ,
6) Name of the accountant of Yama, the God of death.
auspicious act.