Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Delighted at his unparalleled tenacity and perseverance incomparable
10Vishnu aqqeared before Dhruva, finding him mute His 11sobha inimitable Touched his cheeks with His conch that poured life into his mute self
And said, "Your 12tapa is a class and none stands as rival save yourself.

Your unbreakable resolution exposed the bounds of powers of the elements Feeling ashamed of limitations, they withdrew bowing with compliments
So, my dear son, you deserve not that fatherly lap, nor any reward earthly 
I'll grant that highest seat visible to people both heavenly and earthly.

Be you there spangling in the ebony sky above the twinklets splendid 
Occupying the eternal and immutable place in the high heavens splendid 
And guide mankind looking from highest point in the bright universe 
May your life and achievement be models to every one in the universe.

Envisioning the grandeur of the most covetable and divine post offered
Delighted at the elevation, Dhruva bowing to the Almighty, humbly said 
"I could survey my Lord, thy cosmic form sitting on the topmost seat
But can't fathom the ocean of thy compassion; it's beyond human feat.'.

Flashing a smile sweet at his mellowed sapience, the Lord at once vanished Dhruva later turned into Pole star to shine there for ever untarnished
Reminding, man can rise by shere Will Power and tenacity to glory highest And there is nothing that can't be got by devotion pure in this land hoary.


10) One of the Trio. 
11) Charisma. 
12) Penance.


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