Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Regretting, he gave a tug at the noose, when heard the ear-splitting sound
Emerging anon from the Linga in 22rudrarupa, Siva swung potent 23Trisul
Frightened, Yama started running, when Bramha and Vishnu appeared
Pacifying Siva, they reproved Yama for action deserving to be reprimanded.

Siva then said aloud, "Take heed that 24nischala bhakti's ever invincible".
Vishnu added, "We three never let any 25bhakta, nor austerity's pliable".
Bramha ended, 'No power's equal to 26bhakti, its' impregnable & impassable' "So dare not near that 27Bhaki-Sakti' the Trio said "Its immutable."

Joining hands, Yama sang praises of Trio along with the boy with ardour
Rushing to the scene, the ideal couple joined singing with utmost fervour
Seeing the couple shedding tears of joy, Trio bestowed on the boy long life
And departed blessing 'Deerghayushman bhava' in chorus that ended strife.


22) fearful form. 
23) 24) steadfast devotion. 
25) devotee. 
26) devotion. 
27) Power of devotion.


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