Hindu Ethos In Capsules  Volume - Two
Major Sections
Temples Of India


I desire to add at this stagy one more point! For every one of the fort coming books, I decided to affix abut a half dozen Bonus Pied visualising the spectacles of the glory of Ethos when implemented. They may or may not find their source in Hindu writings, but the charm they cast, or the value they embody is irresistibly elevating and illuminating. Other cultures and their Scriptures too have many tantalising dishes of their own to offer. Derecognition amounts to sickening I opine Hen some space, and so solicitation of your patience.

Before laying down the pen. I feel that here remains another important, rather the most significant factor undone, and is beckoning my attention acknowledgement of my indebtedness to several persons and institutions responsible for enabling me to place this fragrant flower your hands. 

Of the high-souled, who contributed much to make this book merting reverent perusal, Sriman N.C.V. Narasimhacharya, BOL, Siromani Prof. of Sanskrit (Retd ) a Poyglot and multi unguist takes precedence for the main reason that his encyciopaedic-multi-linguist-versatile scholarship did me best to cut the Sanskrit terms, to correct size, I made liberal use of them throughout. By chiselling out a protrusion here, a packing a hollow there, he gave them precison.

Moreover, his fecundity is aggreably matched with warm hospitality and on no occasion he filled my mind without filling the stomach with delicious home made drinks. Despite realising that my thanks are only a poor compensation, 1 make a bow now.

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