this ordeal Bhagwan, why ? Don't you know the situation?
How'll she survive the calamity, if this herb is not used for
Wasn't the same one used by the priest before for her restoration ?
Didn't I roam about almost a full day to procuring it for medicine ?
How can I cross this flooded river? why this unexpected down pour?
When'll it stop? Haven't I been waiting for receding from noon hour?
Haven't I been helping sincerely father in priest-craft, since
initiated ?
Who'll listen now to understand my agony? How could he be
"I heard your supplication dear son, and understood the anguish
Tell me straight what you need in this dark hour before you perish
I'll try and see that you can get over this predicament soon
Be sure, God if trusted implicitly can take you anywhere soon."
to you Swamiji, I'm a priest living beyond the river
To relieve my wife from the throes of life-taking epilepsy and fever
I'm directed to secure this herb, and my day long search bore fruit
But this sudden down pour flooding the rivers & closed that only