The Legend Of Seven Hills
Major Sections
Temples Of India


" Then listen!

A detailed account is worth hearing. This Varaha Swamy is the third incarnation of Srimahavishnu taken to rescue Bhumata, when thrown into sea by Hiranyaksha. That egoistic formidable danava to avenge destruction caused to asurakula by Devas rolled the earth and hurled into the ocean. When Bhumatha cried piteously for succor Mahavishnu descending in the form of white boar uplifted her and killed that cruel demon. To protect the afflicted he made this hill his permanent abode. So it is called Varahadri. Later, when Srinivasa came down to this place and supplicated refuge at the instance of Vakuladevi, He granted asylum unconditionally. So! the grateful beneficiary - Srinivasa ordained that agrapuja to be offered to him every day, and devotees must avail his darsan first before entering the main sanctum. And then only the yatra becomes complete, life charitartha. This holy injunction is followed even today meticulously with elaborate ritualistic worship. Understand, that none is entitled to get emancipation, if he willfully disregards that Devine order."

" Uncle Uncle, we are extremely happy that we worshiped him first without knowing. Now continue explaining the circumstances for the descent of Mahavishnu to this earth."

It is the topic now demanding full attention. Earlier I mentioned that the puranas are many and among them Bhavishyothara is very popular and it gives us a graphic account of every aspect it and it is a 14 long chapter legend.


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