Lord Siva Of Sri Kalahasthi
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Temples Of India


As the Sivagnana flowered in her to the fullest extent, she was fittingly named Gnana Prasunambika. Lord Siva, pleased at the outcome remained here with her eternally. Kenopanished embodies an elaborate account of Mother's giving Sivagnaopadesa to Devendra here once and hence she was given the most honorific title of Jnanaprasunambica by the gods. And also granted the ardent desire of Durga to change her form the frightful aspect into a golden-hued, graceful, radiant form, pleasant to look and fit to be propitiated by all. She is called Kanaka Durga since then. And she is assigned a beautiful shrine atop the nearby hill. Devotees pray to this goddess with equal fervour on their visit to this holy kshetra. Lord Siva fails none, nor punishes any sans cause. That's why he is preferred for easy emancipation.


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