comes the descent of Mother Parvathi for destroying asuranayakas,
who perpetrated atrocities on the humble and pious living in this
area. Deeper problem takes up to tile distant past exactly to the
days of Diti, the Mother of demons and her plight at the loss of her
santati by the devas.
to one version-Diti, the mother of demons and wife of Kasyaha
grieved over the destruction of her sons incessantly at the hands of
Devendra. Though each Obtained numerous boons by penance and
austerities from the Highest Trio, they could not live longer, nor
made a mark as adorable persons. By some error or other they were
not blessed with good boons, and on every occasion they were tricked
into choosing something that brought their ruination. With a view to
betting immortality for her progeny and sovereignty -over the
worlds, particularly over Devendra she took a decision of pleasing
the Highest with vigorous penance.