My Lord Srikanteswara, by destroying the pasas binding mankind to earth
You turned a synonym for compassion boundless in heaven and on earth
Gulped that all-consuming Hlalahalam to save from conflagration seas and land
the wedding of Lakshmi and Vishnu at Nanjangud, thy holy land.
manking the ideal of Adarsa dampathya by sharing thy body holy best
Tho' stand
next to Brahma and Vishnu, we seek you first as God unfailing, best
In granting Abhaya you've second to none but to yourself in any tense of time
Bless these TINY TOTS wisdom to emulate you. born anywhere, or in any clime
Children my Lord. are the loveliest blossoms the elements 've created
Their plasticity, mental probity and spiritual purity permit to be
To a form pleasant; conduct. loving: and life, exemplary to the posterity
So my lord convert them into model Uma, & Maheswaras of exceptional purity.