endeavoured sincerely to focus light on the glory of each visit
worthy place as learnt from sthalagnas, of course leaning heavily
on guides, booklets, folders and books dealing with them.
Consciously. nay deliberately. I side-tracked the sculptural marvels
and architectural excellences. Pilgrims normally care more for
divinity hovering over the kshetra than enjoying the aesthetic
appeal of shrines. My experience fortified this for the yatris at
the famous Dilwara Temples were hurrying to visit other shrines
despite the honest attempt by the guide at eulogizing the sculptural
skill which in my opinion even Viswakarma. the celestial sculptor
too stands mute and thinks that he could have clone his job better
had he visited them earlier. Even at Halebid too, my co-yatris
behaved similarly and dragged me out, when my eyes were glued to the
ceiling exhibiting the unsurpassable craftsmanship of the