Basically the number FIVE is exceedingly auspicious and infinitely
propitious for everything, either divine or human. Realizing its
immense potentialities, the saint-seers caused five temples for the
same deity built at different places. Hence the existence of Pancha
Dwarakas, Pancha Badris, Pancha Kesavaalayas, Panchaaramas, Pancha
Kuntimadhavaalayas etc. Pilgrims to Badarinath have the opportunity
of visiting the Pancha Badris during their journey upward or
downward; but the guides due to ignorance, or willful negligence lead
them not to this holy place. some orthodox theists do visit all
these five sublime small shines and partake the merit conferred by
the AU-merciful Badarinath seen at these five places.