The Naidu's family treated her as their daughter. Then she revealed her identity
to the local zamindar in dream and asked him to build a temple for her and offer
daily worship, when the whole village would prosper breathing spirituality, and
along with it, he should celebrate a decennial festival iii her name. Deeming it
a great fortune, the zamindar carried out her divine bidding without loss of
time, together with endowing the temple with adequate immovable property for the
conduct of nityanaimithica worship. Moreover, he undertook the responsibility of
permanent trustee of the temple. It took place 1906 and since then, daily
worship is offered according to agamic tenets with great devotional zeal. As
ordained, the ten year festival is being conducted on a scale indescribable.
Lakhs of people congregate on this occasion and participate in special function
called Srimantotsav and the deity is taken through the streets in car. Many
cultural programmes like folk dances mock sword fighting, Yadavabhajans etc.,
are conducted with unprecedented zeal. Recently there introduced Kamboltsav,
Vuyyalotsav and other devotional items by the hereditary
trustees Sri Sanyasi Raju and his devout queen.