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Temples Of India


Bihar enjoys the singular fortune of winning many laurels right form the Pouranic age down to the modern times. It claims justifiably many firsts and bests in several realms of human activity. Its myriad glory originates from secular and spiritual fronts as well. It Capital Patna possess two Sakti-Peethas, where Mother Sati's thigh and a part of her saree fell at the cutting of her body by Sundarsan Chakra. Magnificent and awe-some structures were built on those spots later. Tradition says that Mother Sati's thigh fell at the present Maharajganj of Patna city, and a temple that came up is called Bari Patan Devi temple. And  the place where Mother Sati's pat a part of saree fell now goes by the name of Chotapatan devi temple. It is located at the city chowk. the busiest part of the metropolitan city. Through renovation work is carried out several times, the present temples are quite modest in size, sculpture, and as such they do not seem a fitting match to the glory of those events. May be due to the unprecedented political supremacy it enjoyed, the spiritual glory is eclipsed, says the priest.

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