between two hills and encircled by ever-green verdure and eye-filling colourful
scenery with a waterfall nearby, this Mother's temple casts an enchantment that
holds its grip even on the atheists. Imbibing the ethereal beauty and inhaling
the fragrance pervading the entire region coming from the multi-coloured
blossoms, even the iconoclasts too turn oblivious for a time and join hands in
veneration unknown to themselves That is the splendour that this holy Devi
mandir is embodying
and luring thousands of devotees throughout the year And
on annual festival falling in the month of Aswani lasting for four days when
pomp and splendour reach the zenith. The
people's enthusiasm breaking through several devotions; activities metamorphose
this area into Bhutalaswarga.
A great mela is held during the yearly festival lasting for a week. The oddity then
observed is that a certain wild fruit called saraal grown in abundance in the
forest is given as prasad and people yearn for it. Everyone without exception
longs to receive it from the Mother's mandir and relish it to their heart's content.
The word in circulation is. that this fruit grown everywhere in the primal
forest in plenty helped them to survive during terrible famine that broke
out some years back. And it is believed that it cures certain direases. Hence the
craze. During the mela, it is sold in large quantities. The Mother has a passion for
pure devotion and when satisfied, she rains bound and fulfill any kind of desire.
Every enterprise begins with offering of prayers to the Mother. And people redeem
their debt
with donations in several forms. Regular daily worship is offered according to
agama sastras.
This lies near Saharanpur and is accessible by four wheelers.