state of Gujarat claims an especial honour possessing, several much, hallowed
Sakthi-pithas from time immemorial. Sakti worship has taken deep roots, and
people's faith in the omnipotence of Mother Adiparasakti in her multifarious forms
and names is quite widespread. and consequence numerous temples for a wide
variety of goddesses wire built by rulers of repute and philanthropists of noble
The august name of
Ambika spontaneously sprouts out from the devotion-soaked souls of every
Gujarati, the moment any mention of super human agency guiding the destinies of mankind is made. Her popularity is immense as her
sports demonstrated to cement
the people's faith in her. Of the hundreds of Sakti temples, pride of place goes to
Arasur Ambika. And her hold on both high and low is beyond the range of words.
There are two more that follow. They are-Bala of Chunavai and Kali of Pavagadh. They
are equally ancient and sacrosanct and are wielding as much power as the Arasur
Ambika popular as Ambaji. They are visited by unending streams of devotes round the